50% of Michelské údolí Booked/Sold


Michelské údolí

In Michelské údolí we are celebrating a significant milestone — half of the apartments have already found their new owners or are booked. This project in Michle, Prague, which combines a high standard of living with an exceptional location, impressed with its unique harmony between the city and nature.


“We are excited about the interest the project has generated. It is confirmed that people are looking for housing that combines the comfort of the city with the tranquility of nature, while meeting high demands on quality and detailed design. And that is exactly what Michelské údolí offers,” says Martin Malínský, CEO of C&S Developia.


The project is created in cooperation with the investment group BICZ and the exclusive seller Svoboda & Williams, which guarantees both high quality construction and a professional approach to the sale of individual apartments.


The first stage of the project brought 16 modern apartments, which quickly gained interest with their thoughtful design and generous space. We are now working intensively on the preparations for the second stage and will bring you more details soon.


If you are looking for a home where you can be in touch with nature and at the same time have the city within reach, Michelské údolí will surprise you with its atmosphere and precise workmanship. You can find more information at www.michleskeudoli.cz.

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